âThe Crystal of Nebumeth The Solution âOkay then, here are the commands you need to type to finish the game: OPEN CUPBOARD, TAKE BUCKET, SOUTH, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, TAKE SPADE, SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, BUY BEER, TAKE PIE, NORTH, WEST, IN, GIVE PIE, DIG, TAKE BOX, IN, FILL BUCKET, EAST, TAKE KEY, OPEN BOX, DROP BOX, DROP KEY, TAKE WAND, NORTH, EMPTY BUCKET, TAKE BLANKET, DROP BUCKET, SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST, READ QUOTATION, WAIT, TAKE HAT, EAST, NORTH, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, DROP SPADE, TAKE AXE, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, CHOP TREE, DROP AXE, EXAMINE SKELETON, WEST, SOUTH, RING BELL, GIVE HAT, NORTH, WEST, GIVE MONEY, [note the initial letters, in order, of the four kings as these are randomised with each game] EAST, NORTH, NORTH, TAKE HAMMER, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, EAST, [enter the four directions as given by the initial letters of the four kings] EAST, SOUTH, WAIT, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, SOUTH, GIVE SWEETS, EAST, THROW BLANKET, EAST, WAVE WAND, TAKE CRYSTAL, SMASH CRYSTAL.